Long Overdue 2015 Update

cc15badgeIt’s been an extremely busy start to the year but I wanted to make a quick post to talk about what I’ve been up to so far.

Last month I got to attend my first SANS DFIR specific event when I took the FOR508 with Rob Lee in Monterey. I’ve taken the 508 previously but this was a much needed refresher. As I’ve discussed in a few different articles the FOR408 focuses on analyzing activity on a Windows computer and the 508 builds upon that base to cover quickly triaging large numbers of systems remotely, a “greatest hits” of memory analysis, timeline automation and analysis, volume shadow copy analysis and covers deep dive artifact analysis on Windows systems like I’ve never seen covered anywhere else. The deep dive section may be things you don’t remember verbatim but the combination of being exposed to them and having the course books as a reference means you’ll quickly be able to analyze those artifacts when the time comes.

In addition to being my first DFIR specific conference, this was my first class with Rob Lee. He was funny, friendly and took the time to chat with students in class and online. Throughout the entire class Rob shared real world stories of exactly how what he was teaching us has been used out in the real world.

For the day 6 challenge Rob and the 572 instructor Phil Hagen tried something they had never tried before, they combined the classes! The data for the day six challenge for both classes is from the same event (508 students have the disk and memory artifacts and 572 students have the network artifacts) so their idea was that teams could work together with 508 students giving 572 students indicators to look for and 572 students helping answer what activity was going on. The plan worked flawlessly and everyone involved seemed to have a really good time. I was fortunate to have some brilliant individuals on my team and we won the challenge and the Lethal Forensicator coins 🙂

Monterey was a great time but as soon as I got back home it was back to the books. Back in December I answered the CactusCon call for papers with a proposal for my first ever public con talk. CactusCon called my bluff so this past Friday I gave a talk on “Getting Started with Memory Forensics”. There were approximately 40 people in the room for my talk and I received some great feedback afterwards. This was my first CactusCon and they did a fantastic job from start to finish. They had multiple tracks of talks, a Dave Kennedy keynote speech, a lockpick village and an area outside for attendees to solder the parts kits onto their badges. I had a great time and I’ve got nine months to come up with a good idea for a talk for the 2016 version.

That’s what’s been keeping me occupied so far this year. I’d say that now I can breathe a little but I doubt very seriously that it’s going to slow down.


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